Tuesday, December 30, 2008

When I fall in love

Ya Allah, when I fall in love
Make me fall to one who anchored his love to YOU
So that he will increase my strength for loving YOU
Make me fall to one whose heart filled with the love for YOU
So that the more in awe and adoration I will be falling for YOU

Ya Allah, when I fall in love, don’t let my love for YOU abated
So bad that it will make me negligent of paying your heed
Preserve the love I have for YOU my beloved
And not to let my love for the other exceeded

Ya Allah, when I fall in love, let me touch one whose heart attached to YOU
So fell not I will into an abyss of pseudo love
Ya Allah, when I fall in love, preserve my heart and my love
So turn not I will from YOU
Fill my heart with your unlimited love
So my feeling will always be solid and undivided for YOU

Ya Rabbul Izzati, when I am I yearning
Let me yearn for one who yearns of shahid in YOUR path
Ya Allah, when I am yearning
Don’t let my yearn for him exceeded my yearns for YOUR jannah
Ya Allah when I am enjoying the love of someone
Don’t let the love exceeded the joy of the beautiful munajat to YOU in the wee hour of the night

Allahu Rabbi, when I fall in love
Let us meet
Give us chance to be one step closer to YOU
Ya Allah, strengthen the bind, strengthen the love
Make us firm in our aim
Fill these hearts with YOUR light that never dim
Broaden our hearts with an abundant faith only to YOU

And Ya Rabb, when I fall in love
Never let me turn my face from YOU
Endow me with YOUR love
A Love that never vanish through time

Happy New Year 1 Muharram 1430 Hijriah


Happy New Year Hijriah to all my brother & sister
May Allah strengthen our eeman, our sincere amal jariah,our ibadah,our knowledge.
May Allah protect us from Disasters,from Difficulties,from Hellfire
May Allah give HIS blessing and mercy to all our Prophets especially Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam.

Ya Allah,
The Glorious and The Greatest
Who have created me
From the time i knew nothing
And then made my ear to listen,my eyes to see,my heart to feel
Blessing me with so many benefits that i couldn't explained

Ya Allah,
You light up my life and guide me to walk on YOUR path
From One man that YOU selected
YOU brought a shining light to us Muhammad ibn Abdullah SAW
Who brought a great news to us & guide us

Ya Allah
I am guilty,I am sinning, I disappoint YOU all the time
I remember YOU only when faced with hardness of life
And forgetting YOU in times of joy
Please accept my taubah,please accept my amal,please accept my sincere repentance

Here i am standing at YOUR Door
Begging for YOUR forgiveness
Because YOU are The Most Merciful

Ya Allah
Please don't reject me
Place me amongst the solihin
Who are always with you - chanting tasbih,tahmid,takbeer all the time

Ya Allah
Please strengthen our eeman to Islam
Ya Allah
The Greatest,The Merciful ,The Beneficial,The Loving,The One & Only
Please accept and grant our du'a

End Year Message

We bid farewell to another year of the Hijra of the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), a year which contains numbers of days and nights which are what makes up your lifespan. If a day passes then a part of you has passed. You are but a body and spirit existent in a limited time period. When that period comes to an end you come to an end. It is only those of knowing and truthful in his journey will realize the true value of these days and nights that pass. They know that it is He Who made the Night and the Day to follow each other; for the one who wishes to reflect or to show gratitude. Whatever anyone has achieved throughout the days and nights that has not increased them in reflection and gratitude has missed the purpose and fundamental wisdom for which these days and nights were created and for which mankind was created.

We witness the passing of time and the alternation of seasons and changes and events. Things which are agreeable to us; things which are unpleasant – all of which test us. We witness the passing away of those who live alongside, some of it expected, some of it unexpected. All of this is by the decree of the All-Powerful Sovereign.

We welcome yet another new year, every individual must look at their level of reflection and gratitude so they may obtain their provision from these days and nights. Amongst the meanings of reflection is removing the veils from the spirit to remember the original covenant which it took with its Lord and clearing away the dust to extend its gaze to its eventual destination. As for gratitude, everything which is of any benefit to creation comes into its sphere. It is HE Who made the Night and the Day to follow each other: for the one who wishes to reflect or to show gratitude .

Reflect upon these attributes and ask yourself what portion you have of them. Do not be content merely to pass over them superficially. Delve into them deeply, hold firm to them and actualize their meanings. Each of these attributes has a residing place in your inner being. If each attribute finds its place you will, in your inner being, be one of the slaves of the Most Gracious and every day and night you will increase in reflection and gratitude, and HE will prepare you for an indescribable reward. The Prophet said that Allah has said : “I have prepared for my righteous slaves that which no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and what no man can imagine.” Now no person knows what delights of the eye are kept hidden for them - as a reward for their deeds. As-Sajda:17

At the end of this year may Allah grant us the ability to please HIM through seeking to improve our knowledge, our efforts in life and our actions and what takes places in our houses and what is in our hearts. Nothing should be more beloved to us than Allah and nothing in creation, not even Paradise, should be more beloved to us than HIM. No created thing can take precedence over Allah, because Allah is the giver of life of all HIS creation. We ask Allah to purify our hearts, and to brighten them with faith. May He turn our mind more towards seeking HIS pleasure and fill or hearts with HIS love, HIS fear and belief in HIM. May Allah help us striving and struggling in the path HE has ordained. Ameen

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Do You Still Remember Us

Do you still remember us?!

We are still under siege


And hunger.....

Do you still remember us?!

To get water we have to walk so far....

To fill a bottle or a jar......

Do you still remember us?!

We still have No food.....

Or medicine to be fed.....

Our kids.....

are dying every day.....

in their beds.....

And many have just tears toshed.....

Do you still remember us?!


is everywhere.....

that sometimes we have No place,
to make Our prayer.....

Do you Really still remember us?!

We have nothing but pain.....


And daily sadness......

to Share.....

do you still remember us?!

At least in your prayer?!

Gaza children implore you!
They are dying due to the blockade!

There is 'growing humanitarian crisis,'
happening in Gaza.....

There is an EXTREME restricted access,
to food, water, and medicine!!



.....don't forget us!!

Please do Remember us!

Gaza Needs Your Voice!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Cat's in My Eyes

Baca buku ini seperti di ingatkan kembali saat-saat kita masih kecil. Waktu kecil, kita sering bertanya, "Ma, aku keluarnya dari mana?" atau "Pa, Tuhan itu agamanya apa?" Tapi, semakin tua kita semakin jarang bertanya, semakin dewasa kita jadi jarang mempertanyakan hal-hal yang sudah kita pelajari dan ketahui, kita menelan bulat-bulat semua pelajaran yang kita terima tanpa mempertanyakannya lagi. Hidup ini tidak lagi menarik tanpa pertanyaan. Monoton. Terjebak dalam rutinitas. Padahal, hidup yang nggak direfleksikan nggak pernah layak buat diteruskan, kata Socrates. Seorang yang selalu bertanya memang ditakdirkan jadi petualang. Petualangan mereka adalah petualangan yang panjang, petualangan untuk menemukan jawaban-jawaban dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang selalu dan terus menerus muncul menagih penyelesaian.

Buku ini berisi petualangan itu. Seperti sebuah petualangan liar, sekumpulan sketsa, prosa, dan cerita dalam buku ini tidak menawarkan peta. Petualangan ini hanya dibekali tanda-tanda sederhana yang mungkin sering kita jumpai, seperti hal-hal biasa yang lazim kita temukan di keseharian tetapi sesungguhnya penting untuk kita tinjau ulang. Sebab, siapa tahu semua itu adalah tanda, yang akan menyusun sebuah peta menuju jawaban yang mencerahkan kita.
Nah, dibuku ini kita akan diajak kembali menyelami lautan pertanyaan yang mengasyikan. Mengembalikan lagi masa kecil kita sebagai "filsuf keseharian". Ibarat mata kucing yang selalu bertanya, begitulah perumpaan yang dipakai jadi judul buku ini.

Dari buku “A Cat In My Eyes”, saya paling suka prosanya yang berjudul “Skizofrenia”. Entah mengapa, saya merasa prosa itulah yang paling mewakili penelusuran seorang Fahd. Namun sepanjang perjalanan 176 halaman buku tersebut masih banyak lagi cerita dan metaforanya yang akan memukau para pembacanya. Fahd Djibran, sang penulis tidak banyak memaksakan atau memastikan tentang area ketidakpastian, ia sangat bijak untuk menghormati area tersebut dengan kerap kali membubuhkan "barangkali" atau "tidak tahu" saat berada diujung kesimpulan. Ada yang bilang semakin dewasa seseorang, ia akan lebih banyak menyatakan tidak tahu ketimbang meyatakan kepastian. Kedewasaannya tertangkap dari kalimat yang ia utarakan dan saya suka sekali : “Aku ingin tetap berada di udara jika hidup adalah sebuah koin yang dilempar ke udara dan menjadikan kita sebagai salah satu sisi dari dua mata koin itu. Aku ingin berada di dunia antara, abu-abu, dunia fusi sinergis yang harmonis.”

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Nulis lagi ah

Udah lama banget pikiranku buntu....ga bisa nulis huaaaaaahuaaaaaa. Maafin aku ya blogku yang ga terlalu kucinta, aku dah nelantarin kamu sampe banyak yang nyampah di shout box kamu hiks hiks....... Aku ingin menulis lagi...tentang dia....tentang aku.....tentang mereka...halah..yuuuk ca yo.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


*** L O V E ***

I love You not as I want to..........
But as Allah wants me to..........
If You Seek Love and Me alone,
You will find nothing.........

But if You seek Allah's love through me.........
You will find everything,
Coz it takes three to make a true
and perfect love........
Allah, You and Me..........

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Birthday Reflection

Uffff another year has passed by, m getting older (sob) but hopefully wiser,stronger and prettier (unlikely). Wishes and prayers from all beloved friends and family,a hug from my dearest mom and brothers, ahhhhhhh warms my heart n make me feel like I mean something, someone. It should've make me feel grateful coz m surrounded by people who cares about me. Still, it doesn't make those stupid thoughts in that stupid brain of mine stop wondering. Been ages I have never celebrate my birthday nor musing over it, it passed like any other ordinary day. But this year i felt like i need to pause and rewind, what have i done all these years until this recent year, what have i achieve, what have i accomplished???? a big zero. Birthday isn't only a time to celebrate but also a time to reflect. I tend to get quite reflective and maybe even a little morose on the milestone days of the year: birthday, New Years and so on, i made a couple of resolution which offcourse some will be done and some are just forgotten. Today is no different, There is some strange kink in my personality that keeps me always looking forward. I am always wondering what is coming up around the next bend. When I examine my life I am far more likely to wonder what I will BE than to reflect on what I have become. I’m not sure if this is a good or a bad thing, but at least some good has come of it. It allows me to look forward to getting older instead of looking for a way to whine about it.But this day, maybe m just having one of those days, the blue mood, can't seem to find a positive thinking in me. Those who has passed over 25 and so, are called the late twenties. I look at newspapers, magazines, news and was looking at the successful life of people my age or even less, i look around and see my friends and relatives are having their stable life and stable career, uffffff i work but i can't exactly call this a career, n then i turn on tv n the show has a topic "your job isn't your career", yeah right mister, way to go to to make me feel discourage, n lots have started to contribute to their family tree and me??????? pfffffttt, stop asking. Suddenly i felt like i am no one, i have accomplished nothing, made zero improvement for myself and then sobs and more sobs following i felt........lousy, messy, stinky u name it, i am it. sobs, a little help :((, m drowning. Anyway, happy birthday dee, congrats, u're pathetic, thank u , a very nice information, will keep that in mind, yeah like this monologue will make u even more better, cut it out.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Poem "Sorrow"

To whom it may concern, cheer up and don't be gloomy, life's too short so live ur life to the fullest and take each life's test as it come, heads up and deal with life. Allah will help us all the way, Allah's love knows no boundaries, ask and u will have it. Past is to be taken as a lesson, not to be dwelling about for the future is ahead of u and it won't wait. So chin up, head up soldier!!!


When you are wrapped in sorrow
And filled with deep despair
The path might seems too narrow
And no one seems to care

Raise your eyes and look beyond
You will sees things to look upon
GOD is there, watching you
Ask to HIM, HE will help you through

All our fate, is HIS to arrange
So come to HIM on bended knee
Only HIM can give us strength
And of troubles we'll be free.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Spritual Guidance For Ailing People

When my mom was sick and during accompanying her in the hospital, we were given this little but so beneficial book. I find this book a heart moving and motivating for those who are in ailment. Especially my mom, I read this book to her whenever she was feeling down and depressed and add a bit of my own words :D it always lift her mood up. InsyaAllah, it will be beneficial to us all too.

1. Sickness and our effort to heal it
We do not know when Allah SWT will call us to return to HIM. So, remain conscious of Allah SWT till the end of our lives, as a Muslim, we perceive illness as a test from Allah SWT on our faith and patience. Allah SWT says in the Al-Qur’an :

“And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and foods, but give glad tidings to As-Sabirun (the patient ones). Who, when afflicted with calamity, say: ‘Truly! To Allah (swt) we belong and truly, to him we shall return.’”
(Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:155-6).

In facing this test, it does not mean that we leave everything to Allah SWT and take it as fate but making no effort to recover from this illness. According to the teachings of our Prophet Muhammad SAW, first we have to make an effort and then leave the result to Allah SWT (tawakkal). We must believe that Allah is the one who send this test so we must also believe Allah is the ONE who will cure us. Rasulullah said : “Allah (swt) never sends down a disease to mankind without sending down a cure for it.” (Narrated by Imam Bukhari). From this hadith, we can understand that for every sickness there is a cure for it. We should believe in this and do not lose our hope to always make effort to recover because Allah's promise is always true.

2. Do not have a treatment with the haram thing
The Prophet Mohammed SAW said: "O servants of Allah seek remedy, for Allah has not put an ailment except that he puts its remedy except one ailment. They asked: what ailment? He said: old age. Even though seeking remedy is ordered by Allah, but the usage of the medicine are limited to those halal things. Therefore it isn't allowed to use haram things or najis as a source of remedy.

3. Illness is a test from Allah so face it with sabr and ridha
Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri and Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that."

Narrated 'Abdullah:
I visited Allah's Apostle while he was suffering from a high fever. I said, "O Allah's Apostle! You have a high fever." He said, "Yes, I have as much fever as two men of you." I said, "Is it because you will have a double reward?" He said, "Yes, it is so. No Muslim is afflicted with any harm, even if it were the prick of a thorn, but that Allah expiates his sins because of that, as a tree sheds its leaves."

Those two hadeeths means that illness, as it comes from Allah is a test on our faith, how are we gonna deal with this ailment we are having. Sabr, linguistically means "patient, calm, daring to face anything and holding back from jeremiad". While terminologically, sabr is a feeling where we could accept everything that happened to us sincerely and patiently. While ridha, linguistically means willing or happy, and terminologically it means accepting what Allah has given willingly, be it a rule, law or destiny.

Allah has said : O ye who believe! seek help with patient perseverance and prayer; for Allah is with those who patiently persevere. (QS Al-Baqarah:153) and also in other surah Allah has said : Say: "O ye my servants who believe! Fear your Lord, good is (the reward) for those who do good in this world. Spacious is Allah's earth! those who patiently persevere will truly receive a reward without measure!" (QS-Az-Zumar:10).

Sometimes, when we are having ailment, we are too busy in wallowing ourselves in grief, when Allah has already stated and promised us to expiates our sin if we can accept it willingly and patiently, but there are also a few of us who aren't complaining nor wallowing but deep down think it is a useless act because it won't be beneficial, this is not considered patience or ridha rather an ignorance act. So, face our ailment with patience and ridha and know that Allah will rewarded us for it.

4. When sick, we should be khusnudzon to Allah and don't ever lose hope
Allah said : And when I am ill, it is He Who cures me; (QS Asy-Syuaraa:80)
and also in another surah Allah has said :
Say O My slaves who have been prodigal to their own hurt! Despair not of the mercy of Allah, Who forgiveth all sins. Lo! He is the Forgiving, the Merciful (QS Az-Zumar:53).

As Muslims, having faith in Allah SWT, we believe that all that is good and bad comes from Allah SWT, and that it is we who have to ask Allah SWT to protect us, our family and the public from every ailment we are facing. We should seek help from Allah SWT that this outbreak of disease should go away from us. Moslems aren't quitter, nor those who lose hope easily, why would we lose hope when Allah has promised us a hefty reward if only we are patient. The Quran informs us what to do when we face these tests in our life and also tells us about the reward that we will receive if we are successful in dealing with the situation in the way we are expected to.

"Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere, Who say, when afflicted with calamity: "To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return":- They are those on whom (Descend) blessings from Allah, and Mercy, and they are the ones that receive guidance. [QS Al-Baqarah :155-157].

We are to be patient during hard times and always remember that Allah(swt) is the Creator of everything and We all will return to HIM. No deed is lost in front of Allah and we will be rewarded for even the minutest good that we ever did do. Tests that were given to us are signs of Allah's love. This world is is a field of tests and one should not deny or avoid these but should face them and pass them bravely. A person can be put into hardships for a number of reasons and we might not know those reasons when undergoing a certain loss but what we must do is always remember Allah SWT, be patient, abstain from what is unlawful, give charity and ask Allah to help ease out our hard times. If we do fail to do this then we should turn to Allah SWT and ask for forgiveness. Allah SWT is Most Merciful and InsyaAllah HE will forgive us for the wrong that we do. A believer is similar to a scale, the stronger his faith, the more his sufferings will be. Allah is The Reign Supremacy whom we should fear and trust. Allah holds the key to our fate and HE will never do humans injustice, so when we are sick, leave everything to Allah, then InsyaAllah, we will all be rewarded. Ameen