Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Dream world

My dream for my country is the same dream I have for all countries in the world. I dream that we will, as a human race, be free of our own prejudice, which is the worst illness afflicting us all. I dream that war will be a thing of the past, because history proved that there are nothing which can be gained by war but misery. How much more blood should be shed in order to prove who is more superior than others, how many more mothers, wives, kids should be crying for the loss of their sons, husbands or fathers just to prove mine is better than yours crap.

I dream that no one will be attacked because they are different in any way. I dream that if you are Muslim and I'm not it will make no difference and vice versa. And as a Muslim, I hope that my fellow Muslims would just stop saying death and and cursing others who has different beliefs from us. We the Muslims are people who submits ourselves to Allah and therefore I believe that Allah wouldn't want us to wish death on others nor kill everyone who posed no threat to our religion. Instead we should show them what a beautiful religion Islam is and how peaceful and friendly the Moslems are. Because this has happened to change my view and way of life, I submit because I have been seeing how peaceful and friendly the Moslems in my neighbourhood are behaving. I have been lucky because Allah has shown me this nice behaviour earlier instead of the radicals view some Moslems have. God forbid, if it happens otherwise. Imagine, if this could happened to me then the same thing could happen to anyone else.

I dream that we will achieve the freedom of speech in practical terms, instead of just a literal term. Everybody should be free to say what is it on their mind without having the fear of a death threat imposing on them. But please note that we have to say only what is right with the pure intention of goodness in mind. There are a few things we shouldn't mess with our so called freedom of speech, and one of them is the spiritual world some people choose, and that means religion. There are boundaries to our freedom of speech and it's about time we use it for other honest and pure goal than just satisfying our own shallow mind.
I personally admire people who says what's on their mind and back it up with their good intention, not just speak out for their minds only but also voicing the majorities and fight for them. I am not a Shia but I admire the president of
Iran so much, for his courage and determination. Fight for what's right and fight against evil. And the most important thing is if we are a Muslim, we have to fight for our deen but in a moderate way, not behaving like the savages did. Even Jihad has strict rules which we have to obey.

I dream that we will all learn and use the universal declaration of human rights. That people will stop publishing hate filled lies about minorities or majorities, that the day comes when we can all trust one another. As a kid, I never had to lock my doors, never had to suspect anyone. I want that day to return. People become "bad" only when they are afraid like animals only attack when they feel they are in danger. Some times people are afraid of something that poses no danger to them whatsoever. Because we are different, we aren't evil. If one cared to look, one would see that in all human groups and civilizations, there are some small amount of people who can think only of their own good and who are dishonest, and that the vast majority are good at heart. That past the first original differences, there are many more similarities, and much more we can all agree on with out having to change our identity. We can learn to settle the dispute in a rational debate without involving the hatred and opening the slightest bit of space for devil to sneak in and makes matters worse. Thus, don't argue just for the sake of arguing but chose to stick our head in the sand and refusing to accept other's opinion, don't be goaded into proving WHO is right but prove WHAT is right and fight for it in civilized manner. I believe in man as a race, I admire people who make mistakes and have the strength to realize it and learn from it.

I dream that someday, there will be no room for hatred, prejudice or distrust, instead the world will have finally grown up after the thousands of years of pain and hate and wars and lies. I don't think it is impossible at all. I have faith in my God, Allah. Thanks for reading this, for being strong and not afraid to speak. It is people who speak up and are not afraid to take a stand with ideas and not violence that make this world a better world. Happiness does exist and it is possible for all of us. I hope it will be yours as it will be mine soon. May light and not darkness rule the land. May the true spirit of God prevail and not the spirit of hatred.

1 comment:

  1. assalaam alaikum w r w b

    Nice post n nice dream MashAllah

    But :( the present world order is going against this dream.

    When the Caliphate was present, the world had witnessed something much closer to what is said in this post.
    The state was responsible for the well being, employment and health care of every citizen, the Caliph himself would go and help out common man when he realized it was his responsibility, and many historical records show something unusual like this even at that time of history, because all other rulers, be it Roman Emperors, Persian Khosrao Russian Tsars or even Mongolian bedouin Khans like Ghengis Khan were too far from the reach of common man, lived in palaces and had a lifestyle unimaginably luxurious and materialistic, compared with a simple life of the first few Caliphs of Islam and the Islamic Caliphate which ruled 1\3 world under Haz Umar (ra), people were confused whom should they pay zakah to, cos no one needed zakah ! Allahu Akbar, what a system and what a State, where Muslim soldiers guarded churches and synagogues because it was state responsibility and Jizyah tax imposed on the Kafirs was used for their own protection and social security as Muslims paid the Zakah tax similarly.

    Today, Capitalism prevails, the rich want to get richer no matter what, I am not talking about the local rich too, but even the giant millionaries, they are eating up natural resources of third world countries, leaving some nations starving after juicing them dry, instigating some nations to fight in the backstage to cash upon the unstable environment in many many ways, a VETO power ensures the powerful have "their way or the highway" thinking, and a puppet UNO is nothing but a mockery of International justice only to fool the ignorant.

    There is ever increasing exploitation of children, women and even natural resources, corporate giants dont care about environment because they can reap millions of more dollars, the crys of environmental protecting organizations go unheard except when the crisis is in their own nations, but they dont shy away to do ANYTHING in poor nations, because those are gullible and needy, even in them, the rich and those in power, pocket all the aid or income coming from this business and the people remain the same, starving since generations.

    The people who think this world order can ever bring about this utopian dream even half true are not considering that water will always turn into steam on heating, it will never become ice when you heat it !!! A system as this, will never give the contrary results, all the sweet talk about development and technology is in use by only an elite group of humans on earth, while most of it, even today does not have 2 meals a day and most of them die of starvation and lack of healthcare :(

    The only system which had what could be the closest world order is the Islamic Khalifate because of its inherent principles of justice and accountability to God. As long as human laws rule our world, its a waste to imagine a good change because human laws are not permanent, they change with time, and humans have an innate selfish nature if whoever formulates the law, will make sure its convenient for him and his people first, and then will he think about values like justice, equality and freedom.

    May Allah in His infinite rahman, give us a chance to work for this dream, not for the benefit of Muslims, but for the benefit of Islam and because Islam is the only practical solution, tried tested implemented and results achieved, we need a renaissance and that alone can bring hopes to the countless hungry kids and suffering populations.

    PS: Islamic khilafah means the Khilafah which was ruled by Islamic Shariah from A-Z, not the later rulers which were but monarchs just called themselves caliph, for me they were kings, like any tsar, king, khan or caesar. And they were the reason for the downfall of khilafah and returned to the selfish nationalistic attitude attacking fellow Muslim kingdoms and thus dividing their own power which gave the chance for other empires like british to go n rule them for centuries and the effects of which are still not faded, I prefer calling them Sultans or Kings. What we need today is Khilafah, not another Sultan or a Monarch like Saudi Kings or Brunei Sultans :)
